" This book provides a significant contribution to the field of neural networks. Its major contribution is bringing the reader up to a working understanding of the state-of-the-art in applying neural nets and related new technologies to financial decision-making. What sets this book apart from other publications in this field is the level of detail and realism in describing real-world financial applications. Without the unique capabilities and commitment of Guido Deboeck, who is an advisor on advanced technology at the World Bank in Washington, and the tangible achievements of the many other authors represented here, this book would not have been possible." Dr. Paul J. Werbos Program Director, National Science Foundation Past President, International Neural Network Society Order: Please send ___copies of TRADING ON THE EDGE @ $55 each (1-31100-6) $______ Shipping and Handling NY residents only add sales tax $______ Shipping U.S./Canada add $4.50 per order $______ Air Shipping International add $10 per order $______ TOTAL $______ Method of payment [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard or [ ] American Express Card#_____________________ Expiration Date_____________ Signature ___________________________ Ship information [Please Print ] Name_____________________ Company__________________ Street______________________ ___________________________ City_______________________ State/Zip_________ Country___________________ Phone___________Fax_______ Mail to : Jacqueline Urinyi John Wiley & Sons 605 3rd Avenue New York, NY 10158 Phone: 1-800-255-5945 Fax: (212)-850-6095  John Wiley & Sons proudly presents TRADING ON THE EDGE Neural, Genetic, and Fuzzy Systems for Chaotic Financial Markets by Guido J. Deboeck Editor ð  available April 1, 1994 ð ÒWhen the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail." Lotfi Zadeh Nothing changes faster than technology to trade financial markets. Any new gizmo has the potential of creating an edge. This book describes the newest developments in trading, risk and portfolio managment techniques. Based on years of hands-on experience, world experts share insights that you can use to gain an advantage in financial markets using neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, non-linear dynamics, and chaos theory. About the Editor Dr. Guido J. Deboeck is an Advisor on advanced technology for the World Bank in Washington. Over the past three years he has directed applied research on advanced technology for trading financial markets. Prior to this he managed all technology for the trading floor of the World Bank. He is Chairman of a Special Interest Group on Financial & Economic Applications of Neural Nets established by the International Neural Net Society. This book provides pragmatic tips you need to understand and apply the latest technology to get a trading edge in today's financial markets. Contents includes ¥ an introduction to a wide range of advanced analytical techniques ¥ case studies on the use of these techniques for trading, risk and portfolio management ¥ specific guidance on the design of trading systems ¥ methods for pre- and postprocessing financial data for the development of advanced systems ¥ a glossary, bibliography, and index to easily trace information on these topics ¥ an order form for a CD-ROM with a vast amount of information and tools for learning about advanced technologies Main Contributors Dalila Benachenhou Masud Cader American University, Washington Andrew M. Colin A.M. Colin & Associates Queensland (Australia) Laurence Davis Tica Associates Cambridge, Massachuchetts Guido J. Deboeck World Bank, Washington Mark J. Embrechts Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York Ted Frison Randle Inc., Great Falls , Virginia Henry Green FTSD Ltd. London (United Kingdom) Jim W. Hall John Deere & Company Moline, Illinois Gia-Shuh Jang Springfield Financial Advisory Ltd. Taipei (Taiwan) Casimir C. Klimasauskas NeuralWare Inc. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Morio Yoda Nikko Securities, Tokyo (Japan) Francis Wong NIBS Ltd. NeuroForecasterª Singapore Zhongxing Ye Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai (P.R. China)